useLayoutEffect react


React's useLayoutEffect hook provides developers with a powerful tool to perform DOM manipulations and side effects with precise control before the browser paints the screen. In this blog, we will explore the useLayoutEffect hook in detail, understand its purpose and benefits, and delve into practical examples to showcase its capabilities and how it can elevate your React applications.

Understanding useLayoutEffect:

The useLayoutEffect hook is quite similar to useEffect, but with one crucial distinction: it runs synchronously after all DOM mutations are applied but before the browser repaints the screen. This timing allows you to manipulate the DOM and perform side effects immediately, ensuring that any changes take effect before the user sees the rendered output.

Benefits of useLayoutEffect:

Immediate DOM Manipulation: 

By leveraging useLayoutEffect, you gain the ability to manipulate the DOM synchronously, immediately after React has made its changes but before the browser renders the updated layout. This level of control allows you to handle critical layout-related tasks, such as measuring elements or updating styles, with precise timing.

Access to Up-to-Date Layout Information: 

Since useLayoutEffect runs before the browser repaints, it provides access to the most recent layout information of your components. This is incredibly valuable when you need to calculate dimensions, positions, or perform any action that relies on accurate layout data. It ensures that you have the most up-to-date information to make informed decisions and execute actions that are visually aligned with the rendering process.

Seamless Integration with useEffect: 

Although useLayoutEffect runs synchronously, it shares a similar API and purpose with useEffect, allowing for a smooth transition between the two hooks. You can use useLayoutEffect when immediate updates are necessary, and fall back to useEffect for less critical operations that can happen asynchronously. This flexibility enables you to optimize the performance of your components while efficiently managing side effects.

Example Usage of useLayoutEffect:

Let's consider an example where we want to animate the expansion of a collapsible panel when a button is clicked. We can utilize useLayoutEffect to measure the panel's height and apply a transition animation:

import React, { useState, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from 'react'
const CollapsiblePanel = () => { 
const [isExpanded, setExpanded] = useState(false); 
const panelRef = useRef(null); 
useLayoutEffect(() =>
const panel = panelRef.current; = isExpanded ? `${panel.scrollHeight}px` : '0'
const handleTransitionEnd = () => { 
if (!isExpanded) = '0'; }; 
 panel.addEventListener('transitionend', handleTransitionEnd); 
return () =>
 panel.removeEventListener('transitionend', handleTransitionEnd); }; 
 }, [isExpanded]); 
<button onClick={() => setExpanded(!isExpanded)}> {isExpanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'} </button> 
<div ref={panelRef}> {/* Panel content */} </div> </div> ); }; 
export default CollapsiblePanel;

In this example, we use useLayoutEffect to calculate and set the height of the panel based on its content. We attach a transitionend event listener to handle the animation's completion and clean up the listener upon unmounting. By incorporating useLayoutEffect, the panel's height is accurately measured and updated before the browser repaints, resulting in a smooth and visually pleasing animation.


The useLayoutEffect hook is a powerful addition to React's arsenal, providing developers with fine-grained control over DOM manipulations and side effects just before the browser renders the updated

useLayoutEffect react
useLayoutEffect react

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